Sunday, December 11, 2011

How to move a blog to another account

Okay, I'm added to this blog, so hopefully I can remove the old email and just have this new email. We'll see.

[edit] seems to have worked. Added my email, then made myself an admin, then deleted the old blogger login email, which left this blog in my account. Excellent.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

7, yes... but...

I'm a fan of Windows 7, since it seems to be a big improvement over Vista, and is what Microsoft should have released in the first place. I feel that it does a much better job of getting out of the way, which is not something MS is famous for. Having said that, I've played with it, enjoyed it, but find myself spending most of my time using my Debian boxes, one with an actual Debian server, the other with both Debian testing and Ubuntu installed. I generally use Debian, but do enjoy an occasional foray in the the South African savanna... Debian has been my tried and true friend through many years of experimentation with Linux, and has, for the most part, been quite dependable. However, Ubuntu has a great deal going for it, especially in the user interface department. Recently I have seen Debian improving in that regard. Their website was recently revamped, and they have many more themes and graphic goodies than in their dark past. Not that that's the be all, end all, but it is nice to boot to something attractive. Anyway, just some random thoughts about my recent junkets in LinuxLand.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

What's this OpenID thing?

I see references to OpenID here and there, but don't know mine, or even how to find it!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Logitech MarbleMouse usage on Debian Squeeze

[edit] Actually, I have found a simple way in newer versions of Debian and Ubuntu. See my post at THIS LINK.

MarbleMouse usage is frustrating on Debian (and Linux in general?), but I found a file that, when added to /etc/hal/fdi/policy enables scrolling using the small left button. This works on my install of Squeeze (64 bit). I called it MarbleMouse.fdi, if that matters. It seems not to enable 3d scrolling, but rather just the up/down scroll feature.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

30Boxes! is quite a find for an online calendar. I think this will work for my small office environment, which has 7 workstations, 8 employees, lots of appointments out of the office, with scheduling necessary all the time. Updates are almost immediate, and this calendar is simple to use while still having a ton of nice features. You owe yourself a look at

[update] stopped using, since there have been no updates.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Logitech Marble Mouse On Ubuntu 9.04

[I have a feeling this no longer works in 9.10, but I'm not sure yet]

Upgrading to Ubuntu Jaunty Jackalope (9.04) disabled the scrollwheel effect on my Logitech Marble Mouse USB, so I set out to find a cure. Here it is. Add the following file, "/etc/hal/fdi/policy/mouse-wheel.fdi" (perhaps any title would do... I picked that one at random) consisting of the following text, then reboot. Of course, the formatting is hideous below, and all the line feeds need to be removed, but I can't figure out how to show this code snippet without formatting except in a textarea! (damn)

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Liam improvements

Well, it's been a while since we had Liam, the Grandchild, over for the entire night. He seems to have improved immeasurably since the last time. His fussiness has vanished, he cried only after bonking his big head on the floor while attempting to crawl. He's quite close to crawling, which will create a whole new set of problems. Anyway, he slurped down his bottle after his bath, and went straight to sleep, and slept all night. This morning he woke around 7:30, just quietly babbling away in the crib, and after a while I got him up, changed him, we played a bit, then Gramma held him while he slurped down about half a bottle, and now he's napping. As I said, much improved over the last time.

Hopefully it's a trend.....